Monday, November 23, 2015

First Day in the Field....Sort of


Just real quick, we are able to send a quick email out to let you know we drove the full hour to the mission home safely... haha But yeah, we are at the mission home and its great! We are staying here tonight then going out to our areas tomorrow! Ill be able to write alot more next Monday

Oh and you can send things to the mission home, here's the address:

Elder Butler
Mision Mexico Ciudad de Mexico Sureste
Av. Del Taller #540
Col. Jardin Balbuena
Delegacion Venustiano Carranza
Mexico DF CP 15900

Yeah, its kinda long... haha 
Well, Ill talk to you guys next week!!

Elder Butler

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week of Nov 16, 2015

Editorial Note - Austin's emails the last two weeks have been short.  This post combines the last two weeks of noteworthy comments

November 10

Everything here is going great like always, Its the same thing week after week but hey, only two more weeks from yesterday, and Ill be out in the field! I can give basic lessons without writing anything down now. And can hold a conversation in Spanish for awhile, I definitely feel like I'm learning and growing a lot, except most people in my district feel like they aren't, and are way tired of the CCM. But I honestly love it here because I mean, its a lot less of a big deal to mess up here than it is in the field. And I am going to use every moment i have here to improve. 

November 17

My week was good! Same old same old. Language study, gospel study, and teaching investigators. Nothing really new. But my Spanish is definitely coming along really well! This is my last week at the CCM, by next Monday Ill be in the field! So exciting! 

Last night was the first time I actually had to sit down and have a talk with an Elder as Zone Leader. He hasn't been applying himself at all. So I had to sit down and help him out and it made me think that that must have been what it was like whenever i wouldn't apply myself back home. I see so much potential in him and he doesn't apply it. Thank you for always helping me through tough times. 

As ZL me and my comp teach half of our priesthood meeting. In Spanish. It definitely is tough preparing all these lessons for investigators, talks for Sunday, and a half hour lesson in Priesthood. But hey, it helps with the Spanish anyways. 

At sacrament our branch president shared a poem called something like Two footprints in the Sand. It was basically about this lady who had a dream that she was walking with the savior on a beach, and in the sky flashed all the moments in her life. At the end of their walk, she looked back and realized that at some points there was only one set of footprints, and these were the hardest saddest times of her life. She asked the Lord, Why would you abandon me at my hardest times? And responded that the reason there was only one set of footprints was because during those times in her life, he carried her.

We need to remember to ALWAYS rely on the Lord. Always.

Love You All 

Elder Butler

We didnt do much this past week, so not very many pictures. Sorry!

My poor attempt at drawing the mountain out my window 

The soccer field behind my dorm every morning

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week of Nov 2, 2015


Sorry we had our P-day changed to today to go finish up on our visas. 

Hows everything down there? I miss you guys and Maverick! 

Umm lets see, whats new... nothing really honestly we do the same thing over and over.  My Spanish is definitely getting better! I'm starting to have trouble spelling in English sometimes. And when I say my personal prayers at night i forget the English words for like Atonement and stuff. So far I've memorized the first vision in Spanish and Moroni 10:5. And yesterday during one of our investigators asked questions and we had to completely change what we were teaching and I had to recite the first vision and it was Awesome!  It was way cool! I'm ZL now too, which is honestly less stressful even though I'm in charge of our whole zone ha-ha

I got to meet my mission president last Tuesday! We have devotionals on Tuesday and last week a area 70 spoke to us and my mission president was the one showing him around mexico city so he came to the Devo. He is way cool! im so stoked to get to know him! a little less than three weeks left here at the CCM! Crazy!! Can´t wait to get out there!

How is it having just two kids left at home? Party time right?!

Miss you guys! 

Elder Butler

Pictures of downtown Mexico City